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Frequently Asked Questions


Q) Does Market Intel Reports offer Academic discounts?
We're afraid that we are unable to offer academic discounts on products, or provide complimentary copies of same. However, we can suggest that you approach one of the companies in the relevant Industry Sector and they may purchase the product for you as part of a sponsorship package.

Q) Is it possible to buy products by the section?
Sorry, we sell products in their entirety only and in no circumstances we a part thereof.

Q) What price is the product in my currency?           
We accept payments in US dollars only. 

Q) Is tax added to the product price?
Does Market Intel Reports require payment before order dispatch?
Due to the nature of the products we sell we're afraid that we are not able to arrange for dispatch of an order until payment has been received in full against that order.

What is Market Intel Reports’ cancellation policy?
In general Market Intel Reports cannot accept the cancellation of an order once it has been placed. When placing an order with Market Intel Reports, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Q) Which delivery format should I select?
Different products on our site are available in different formats. The list of formats a product is available in can be seen on the right hand side of each product page. The format can also be viewed on the right-hand side of the website along with other details of the product. Some typical format/license options offered are:
Electronic: This product will typically be emailed to you as an attachment, or downloaded from a link sent in an email after receipt of your order and payment. Electronic copy products are typically in PDF format but may also be in Excel, Word, PowerPoint or Access formats. The format that a product is available in is typically specified on that product’s product page. There are various licences available in electronic format.
Single User Licence: Allows one person, typically the buyer, to have access to the ordered product. The ordered product cannot be distributed to anyone else.
Enterprise-wide Licence: Allows the product to be shared among all employees of your organization regardless of their geographical location.
Online Access: The details of your online access will be emailed to you after receipt of your order and payment.
Hard Copy: This product will be shipped to you in either hard or soft cover format after receipt of your order and payment.
Q) What ordering methods are available?
Order Online: This is the quickest method of placing your order with us. From our product pages, simply select the format of the product you wish to order on the right hand side of the screen, and then click the "Add to Basket" button underneath to add that format option to your Shopping Basket. Our website will forward you to your Shopping Basket screen from which you can check out, or continue shopping.
Order by Fax: Fax order forms can be downloaded from our product pages by clicking on the "Order by Fax" link, on the right-hand side of the screen.
Q) When can I expect to receive my order?
Due to the various time zones our customers are located in, the timeline for delivery with each customer can vary. However, we strive to dispatch electronic product 1 business day or sooner subsequent to receipt of payment. Products that require shipping will take longer to dispatch and generally arrive 5 to 7 business days after receipt of your order and payment.
To ensure that emails we send you reach your inbox, and aren't mistakenly sent to your Spam/Trash folder, please whitelist our email address domain, which is
Q) How will my electronic product be delivered?
Electronic copy products are typically delivered via email by1 business day from receipt of your order and payment, if not sooner.
To ensure that the email we send you ends up in your inbox, and isn't mistakenly sent to the Spam/Trash folder, please whitelist our email address domain which is
Q) Can I be invoiced for my order?

 After your order has been placed — either online or via fax, an official invoice will be emailed to you.